Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why India?

I've had several friends ask why and how did I get to India. 
I have done several humanitarian projects in third world countries over the past 10 years helping with dental and medical care, building houses, painting schools and teaching English.  A great Christmas was last year when I left with another family on December 23 for Tijuana.  For 2 weeks we worked very hard, slept on the floor and took cold showers.  Sound fun to anyone??   I wasn't working hard - I was doing small things for Father's children. 
When I have been home in the States I have either gone to school or been working.  I had enjoyed my job at the law firm over the past 5 years but 8 to 5 working and living for friends on the weekend was not fulfilling.  There was something very basic missing in my life - the routine had become as tinkling brass and sounding symbols. 
When the earthquake hit Haiti in January of this year I really wanted to go for a week or two and be involved in  the recovery efforts so I researched foundations in Utah but couldn't find any who could use one individual.  They only considered groups.  I decided I wanted to find something full time - not just for a week or two. 
I sent my resume' to 14 foundations around the country hoping someone would read it and someone could use an old woman on their staff.
I received several replies of thank you but no thank you.  Then in March I received a call from Becky Douglas of Rising Star Outreach.  RSO has been around for 5 years.  It is a fascinating story how Becky created this orphanage for leprosy affected children.  ( risingstaroutreach.org )  She needed an EMT and said she needed me there by June 1st.  When we talked I knew this was where I needed to be.  She said she would call back after talking to her board.  I waited 3 weeks then called her to check.  She said they had just hired a full time doctor and wasn't sure I was needed anymore.  I still felt I was to go to India so went to the health dept. and got all immunizations for India, collected my things that I had stored at different places and put it all in to one storage, went to see my kids who live in Washington & Idaho and flew to see my brother in northern Idaho who is very sick.  By July, I was confused because they said they wanted me to go in August to help with the influx of volunteers for that month but that came and passed too.  I had had such a strong confirmation of my being needed at Rising Star that I just had to wait.  Then in the middle of September Amelia called and said it was time to get my visa.  They didn't know what I was going to be doing but they needed me.  The visa was a process because India has tightened their process due to Muslim problems.  So my ticket was purchased for October 12.   HooRay!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful adventure! So glad you made it safe and are doing well! We are moving this week for Oklahoma, so it's been crazy, but we're excited for our new adventure too. I'm sure the Lord is very mindful of all of us and helps us 'Bloom wherever we are planted."
    Much Love! Nettie and family
