Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Raji and Nagu

Raji & Nagu

Raji was affected by leprosy when he was 15.
He was abandoned by his parents at 15.
He married Nagu at age 24 (she is not a leprosy patient).
Raji's fingers became paralysed at the age 30.
Raji roamed the streets of Walajabad, Chengalpat and all around Tmilnadu collecting trash for 40 years.   This is how he earned money to buy food to support and raise his children.
Raji’s  right leg had to be amputated to save his life at age 45.
He was able to educate his children with the money he earned but never saved any for his future.
As is the norm these wonderful parents have been abandoned by their children who had to leave  and sever all ties with the leprosy colony to be allowed to hold a job and function in society.
Raji and Nagu now live in each other’s company. They have been married for 50 years. 
Every time we visit their colony, they come together and collect their medicines.
When Raji gets sick, Nagu will not move an inch away from him and Raji will never leave Nagu’s side when she is sick.

You have to wonder how they keep smiling with so much pain in their lives.
Raji explained  " I will live as long as my wife lives, because she has been my world for past 50 years and I know nothing other than her, please treat her first.  I never felt any pain when I was neglected by the society, when I lost my fingers,  when they amputated my leg, and when our son and daughter abandoned us to live in the city.   I bear all these pain because my wife was beside me, she is my pain killer, so please keep her healthy because even at this age she cares for me than for her"
In this world where people take antidepressants when their favourite football team loses; where couples divorce for silly reasons and where people commit suicide for nothing Raji and Nagu teach us
"Life is so precious, life is to live, it will be more valuable when you live for the one who loves you, and your pain will disappear when you love the one who loves you"

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